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Travel Tips

From my experience, there are three ideal trip lengths for three types of travel, depending on your individual circumstances, the time of your life, and what your specific goals are for the trip. In this post I'll discuss these...
I'm rounding out my third month of traveling through Southeast Asia and exploring the fourth country of this trip! I'm noticing patterns and figuring out my favorite things to do in a country I've never been to before. The...
WWOOFing on Maui, Hawaii

Best Travel Apps

Apps are incredibly helpful for travel, and I am dependent on quite a few. My phone remains my most useful tool for travel: I use it to find a place to stay, find my way around, supplement my guidebook...
When I was planning to go travel for three months throughout Southeast Asia, I was super overwhelmed with everything I had to do to prepare. I didn't want to forget to do something and regret it on my trip!...